win-Market 6.1
win-Market 6.1 software is suitable for rice yard and paddy rice central market. It can calculate inventory stock, balance amount, average buying price, daily statement for each merchant.
Qualifications and advantages of this program
- Works on Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 /10 /11 operating system, both 32 and 64 bits.
- Can receive the weight data from electronic weighing machine of every brands.
- Can call back previous data very fast and conveniently.
- Can work on the network for many machines in the same time (only LAN version program), such as, weighing on one machine, deposit and withdrawal money on another machine, call or print out the report on other machine simultaneously.
- Can provide these services to customers : deposit, withdrawal, weighing for buying, weighing out, adjust balance stock, transfer the goods between the buyers and other services in the yard, calculate daily interest.
- The reports can be printed out or shown on the screen when required, such as, report for buyer, general report, report for central market.
- There is user control system by identifying username and password for each user. It also can specify different authorizations for each user which provides more security and fraud prevention.
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